Building Expertise Through Collective Innovation

“…Open innovation has been a hot management phrase for the past five years. So far, though, these collaborations have generally been focused on small-scale research and development, or technology ventures between giant global brands and smaller partners. Think Proctor & Gamble's (PG) collaborations with universities and suppliers or IBM's (IBM) embrace of an open-source software language which both saves the company money and provides it with a new revenue stream.
But what if you brought together design heads from some of the world's biggest global brands with the aim of stimulating innovation? That was the premise of the fifth annual Raymond conference on Feb. 28 and
Los invito a visitar y unirse a "Insights Qualitativos 2.0", un blog en español-inglés pensado para difundir y compartir ideas, experiencias y reflexiones sobre la teoría y práctica de la investigación cuali-etno aplicada al marketing.
Pablo Sánchez Kohn
Networker -
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